Apr 14, 2009

In search of idea

Unsatisfied desires - a source of enterprise activity. To raise a standard of well-being it is necessary through labour productivity increase. Search of enterprise ideas - ways of increase of well-being - is a part of daily routine job of the businessman. On open spaces of educational space you can meet tens, and even hundreds ways of generation of enterprise ideas. To search for enterprise ideas it is possible purposefully, if the nobility where to look.

Unsatisfied desires

Business begins with aspiration to improve the well-being. Comprehension of a dissatisfaction of the requirements pushes the businessman forward. I want the new car, and I can not buy; I wish to be in Europe, and money is not present; I wish to help mother to perform operation, but it expensive; a temple I wish to construct, but means are not present. Unsatisfied desires - a source of enterprise activity.

Three factors of growth of well-being

The economic theory allocates three factors of growth of well-being.

  • Escalating of capital expenses
  • Escalating of a manpower
  • Labour productivity Escalating

At the disposal of the businessman there are all three methods. It is possible to buy more modern equipment. It is possible to increase number of workers. And it is possible to raise labour productivity.

Let's try estimate, what direction is most perspective for increase of a standard of well-being of the Russian businessmen.

The passing suffices to estimate prospects. Acquisition of the modern equipment? Hardly, crisis has closed access to cheap credits. Growth of number of workers? It is irrelevant, all reduce the personnel. Labour productivity? And here from this place is more detailed.

In Russia very low labour productivity

According to research McKinsey, the Russian bank employee makes 9.000 operations in a year, its colleague in Poland - 21.000, in the USA - 60.000, in Finland - 81.000 operations (in 9 times more!).

In electric power industry the Russian workers work in 4 times less effectively, than their American colleagues, one Russian worker makes 3,8 GWt the electric power at an o'clock, and American - 15,3 GWt.

About the same situation we can observe in building. One employee working on the full rate in the building company, erects 18 sq. m of habitation a year, and American - 84 sq. (And more it is not known, whether considered in research seson workers which work often informally if is not present indicators will be even worse).

To raise a standard of well-being it is necessary through labour productivity increase.

Enterprise idea

There is a following question: and by means of what labour productivity raises? Thanks to new technologies. In this case it is a question not of information systems, and about new ideas in general. Labour productivity raises thanks to ideas.

However, not each idea is necessary to the businessman. "Let's start a dirigible balloon! - also what? - And all!" Ideas which are capable to raise a standard of well-being are necessary. Only such ideas it is possible to name "enterprise". The enterprise idea is a way which allows to raise a standard of well-being.

Enterprise idea

  • can have global character - creation of new business
  • or it will be idea of an average level - the new goods or service.
  • and can, it will be extremely simple idea - new profit under the same conditions.

Search of enterprise ideas - ways of increase of well-being - is a part of daily routine job of the businessman. Successful businessmen do not wait, when they will be inspired them on an intellectual feat by a perfect muse. They purposefully search for enterprise ideas - daily, continuously and constantly "sift" possibilities.

Technology of search of enterprise ideas

On open spaces of educational space you can meet tens, and even hundreds ways of generation of enterprise ideas.

That to you there only will not suggest to do: to think out fantastic animals, to imagine "what business Bill Gates being in your situation" would create, mechanically to list all human requirements and to choose at random - techniques much. And the majority of them interesting.

I wish to offer you rather boring technique. It does not excite imagination, does not foster your arrogance ("Figasse! Gates! On mine! A place!"), does not demand huge intuition. But it benefits the user (excuse for a tautology).

First of all at the businessman should be installation on growth well-being or "installation on profit". If you do not have such installation further will help nothing.

Secondly, to find good enterprise idea the information is required. It is not necessary to wait, that you receive the ready recipe "how to you right now to increase the well-being". Having received the interesting information, it is necessary to comprehend, transform it to the suitable recipe and to think up "business model". Allocate for this purpose time.

Thirdly, it is important to understand, that enterprise ideas possess various potential. Axes of distinction two: "possibilities / risk" and "use / complexities". It is necessary to estimate each available idea about a parity of possibilities and risks, and also simplicity and complexities of realisation. Certainly, the priority should be given simple, favourable and without risk ideas.

Fourthly, after the idea is found - it needs to be started in realisation. It is senseless to develop completely good idea and to store it in a table "for rainy day".

Sources of enterprise ideas

To search for enterprise ideas it is possible purposefully, if the nobility where to look. There are some key sources of the information.

    The basic sources of ideas

  1. "Balance". Each normal businessman conducts balance of the well-being. It means, that with certain periodicity (is not more rare, than once a year) counts up, as its status has changed. Accordingly, after two calculations dynamics (or a statics) status changes will be already visible. And now it will be very useful to find the answer to a question: "for what reasons the status has increased / has decreased?". Your answer is a germ of idea. Pay attention, that it is not necessary to consider "income/loss" - it can mislead you. You can increase momentary profit "having gobbled up" the basic actives - do not give in to a temptation.

  2. "Technology". If to present activity any kind, as technological process the probability of detection of "failure" is high. "Failure" is such step to process which calls obvious pressure the user. We take, for example, the top-manager - its job is more or less clear and structured. However, there is a complexity - to 70 % of the information top-managers receive in not structured kind, and its quantity grows, in 2007 according to Financial Times all world has created 281 Ekza byte information. The decision of this problem has generated the whole branch of economy - administrative consulting.

  3. "Psychology". Very often in consciousness of the person there is a discord meanwhile "as is" and how "should be". The seller "should be" polite, and upon is rude. Be expensive "should" equal, and in practice the best car is a helicopter. The more quantity of people which test such discord, the better possibility for business.

  4. "Demography". Social, sexual, age, professional structure of the population - a source of enterprise ideas. For example, you make "heavy" alcohol - vodka. It is one of the most competitive markets, nevertheless, there is no vodka "for doctors" or "office plankton". Is not present vodka "Scalpel", or "Office Life"

I am assured, that after such digression you will have a correct impression about enterprise activity.

Apr 13, 2009

The purpose of the businessman

Correctly to understand a word meaning it is especially actual during an epoch of information wars. Far not all definitions of business so are harmless, as seem at first sight. Criteria of correct definition of business are: independence, ecological compatibility, a practicality. Business is the term meaning a kind of human activity, conducted in the conditions of limitation of the resources, competitive struggle and uncertainty of a situation. Its purpose - achievement of the greatest possible personal well-being, by means of satisfaction of needs and requirements of associates by means of the various blessings (the goods and services), created, advanced, exchanged and used by means of various organizational-legal forms.

Each word matters

Correctly to understand a word meaning it is especially actual during an epoch of information wars.

Distortion of a meaning, substitution of values, emphasis on insignificant details - we it see pretty often. Swindlers of all colours name black white, dead live, invented by the real. Results are awful. The user misled, receives illnesses instead of health, poverty instead of riches, problems instead of decisions, imitation instead of creativity.

Not all definitions are equally useful

We take, for example, the term "business". What does it mean?

Definitions set. I will result the most popular:

  1. Activity at own risk, directed on extraction of profit,
  2. The mechanism of social responsibility,
  3. System of spiritual perfection,
  4. Innovative activity.

But, even if not all yoghurts are equally useful, why we should consider, as if all definitions of business possess identical value. Far not all definitions so are harmless, as seem at first sight.

The first - pushes the businessman on illegal activity as connects in a single whole risk and profit. And you know, what branches most risky / profitable - drugs, contraband, currency frauds.

The second - substitutes activity of the businessman by job of the politician. Businessmen defend private interests (not the, and private), and politicians public (not job lots, and public). If businessmen undertake the decision of public questions, that, excuse, than politicians will be engaged?

The third - substitutes activity of the businessman by religious practice. Business can be the tool of religious practice (as it has occurred in Protestantism), but not the practice of religion. A way, but not sense. The form, but not the maintenance.

The fourth - substitutes enterprise activity by job of the scientist-inventor. Excuse, but to think out new and to combine available are a little various kinds of activity.

As you can see, incorrect, inexact, false definition can result the user for a lattice, in a policy, in sect, in a science.

Want for a lattice? And in sect?

Then listen to correct definition of business.

Criteria of good definition

Before you receive directly definition, I will tell about criteria to which it corresponds.

  1. First, independence - not reducibility to other kinds of activity.
  2. Secondly, ecological compatibility - absence of harm for the user.
  3. Thirdly, a practicality - the maximum simplicity of use.

This is very good criteria.

Business is …

Attentively listen to business definition. Such you will not find neither in one encyclopaedia, nor in one dictionary.

Business definition

Business is the term meaning a kind of human activity, conducted in the conditions of limitation of the resources, competitive struggle and uncertainty of a situation.

Its purpose - achievement of the greatest possible personal well-being, by means of satisfaction of needs and requirements of associates by means of the various blessings (the goods and services), created, advanced, exchanged and used by means of various organizational-legal forms.

The important details

Let's walk on definition substantive provisions that at you its correct understanding was generated.

Business is a term

Business is a special word which has quite certain value. That you will put any other, "special" sense in concept "business" you will suffer first of all. Because shoe polish does not become edible that it name bread.

Kind of human activity

You know what kinds of human activity?

Sports, medicine, engineering, painting, … - in general is a lot of. One only trades is more than twenty thousand, and there is still a hobby, household chores, and idle idleness cancelled nobody.

For activity any kind three aspects are characteristic:

  • Practice - process of direct development and transformation of objects.
  • Science - set of laws of a universe which have essential value.
  • Art - skill degree, level of possession of a subject.
  • Business is one of activity kinds. As it is an especial kind of activity (see, even the word special exists) it is characterised by own logic, the internal maintenance and original forms.

  • Practice are various procedures, decisions, an estimation of risks, search of investments, development of strategy.
  • Science - various economic, social and innovative laws.
  • Art - professional growth, abilities to increase riches, ability to start more scale projects.
  • Seized three aspects of activity becomes the perfect businessman.

    Conditions of limitation of the resources, competitive struggle and uncertainty of a situation

    Limitation of resources - a fundamental economic law. At people boundless quantity of requirements, but the limited quantity of possibilities for their satisfaction.

    Competitive struggle - a basis of economic interaction. The limited resources aspire to receive all. But owing to objective laws receive them some can only. Between people (the unions, parties) struggle inflames.

    Uncertainty of a situation - a severe economic reality. Set of accepted decisions force a situation to vary continuously. As nobody in a status to supervise the decisions accepted by all subjects, the economic reality by definition is not clear, and, hence is connected with risk.

    Well-being - the purpose of the businessman

    Well-being is a set of useful and valuable subjects.

    1. Advantage - ability to satisfy human requirements.
    2. Value - desire surrounding to receive it for personal use.
    3. Subject - any object existing in a reality.

    Satisfaction of needs and requirements of associates by means of the various blessings (the goods and services)

    Requirements of people are boundless. As soon as one are satisfied, on change the new appear it. People cannot satisfy requirement "from anything", various resources or "blessings" are required.

    The blessings we name all kinds of products - the goods and services - which are connected with well-being, that is are useful, have the price, are concrete.

    Created, advanced, exchanged and used by means of various organizational-legal forms

    The blessings not only do not appear "from anything", they also are not created "in itself". That the person could satisfy the requirement by means of its this or that blessing it is necessary to create, advance physically on the market, to exchange for money or other valuable resources and to use for the designated purpose. All these aspects are in sphere of conducting the businessman.

    For a long time cooperation - associations of people - allowed them to achieve much more essential results, than if they operated alone. Now various forms of co-operative interaction it is accepted to name "organizational-legal forms".

    I am assured, that after such digression you will have a correct impression about enterprise activity.

    Apr 11, 2009

    Growth point

    At 20 % of new businessmen it turns out not to be ruined in first ten years. The main problem is absence of the vocational education. Such education could raise a standard of well-being essentially. It is senseless to hope for the Russian education system, she desperately requires businessmen. It is practically unique an accessible variant of improvement of professional skill - self-education. Fortunately already almost three hundred years there is the theory of business developed by outstanding scientists-economists.

    The sad statistics

    According to the researches spent in the USA, only half of new businessmen it is possible not to be ruined in the first 18 months of job. And only 20 % survive in first ten years.

    Weak vocational training

    Speaking about business development, important correctly to plan «a growth point» - a direction where the made efforts will give the greatest return.

    Let's find out, what complexities are tested by businessmen? We will address to foreign and Russian researches.

  • Researches of foreign experts show, that principal causes of failures are: 1) inability to run business owing to physical, moral or insufficiency of experience and knowledge - weak awareness on marketing, the finance, supply are intellectual the reasons, 2) absence of administrative experience, 3), 4) absence of professional skills - gets down to business, specificity which he does not know.
  • The Russian National institute of system researches of problems of business allocates the following typical complexities inherent in a small-scale business in Russia: 1) the complicated crediting, 2) administrative barriers, 3) insufficient preparation of heads, 4) absence of a necessary infrastructure, 5) shortage of the information on programs of the help to a small-scale business.
  • If to look narrowly attentively at results of research it will appear, that businessmen have two fundamental problems: «weak personal preparation» and "animosities of an environment".

    Here again there is a complicated question: what to improve first of all? To raise level of personal preparation of businessmen or to improve and modernise an environment.

    The answer is obvious, - it is necessary to concentrate on vocational training of businessmen because unprepared people all the same cannot create the best environment.

    The system of vocational training of businessmen is necessary to us.

    Education and the income

    Communication between level education and the income is known for a long time. It was marked still by researchers, so-called "the Chicago school" - Teodor Schultz, Gary Bakker and others.

    As an example it is possible to address to data of 1990 across the USA. Figures which characterise the average lifelong income for people with a different educational level are more low presented:

  • Initial - $756.000
  • Incomplete average (9-11 years) - $836.000
  • Average (12 years) - $1.084.000
  • Not finished the higher (13-15 years) - $1.260.000
  • The higher (16 and more years) - $1.720.000
  • There is a communication and between level of the income and an education profile.

  • Let's present the person with conditional "secondary education". Accordingly, the person with «conditional secondary education» will receive "the conditional average salary". In February, 2009 has made 17580 roubles.
  • The monthly average wages of the manager with American MBA make about 10.000 dollars. Feel what difference? Even, if we consider, that the dollar costs 30 roubles the income differs in 15 times.
  • And now let's simply present, profile enterprise education if it existed could become what powerful lever. The businessman possessing special vocational training how much could earn. It is necessary to guess only as while the profile system of preparation of businessmen does not exist.

    Vocational training in Russia

    I very much would like to tell, that our education system will easily satisfy requirement of businessmen for qualitative profile education. But it not so, our education system (generally) is characterised by the lowest efficiency.

    The economy higher school and Rosstat have carried out research of conformity of a trade of the graduate of high school and the received speciality. Analysts have compared diplomas of 28 500 working Russians from all regions of the country with their present trades.

    It was found out, that on the specialities specified in the diploma and close trades (for example when the engineer works as the technologist, and the teacher of foreign languages - as the translator) 49,6 % work. If to approach to conformity of the got education and present job more strictly it will turn out, that on a speciality 37 % of graduates of high schools work.

    For comparison in Sweden not by the trade received at institute 18 % of the diplomaed experts, to France and the USA - about a quarter work.

    Businessmen are necessary to the education system. Ponder, in 2008 domestic state and municipal high schools have let out over 1,1 million students. On the average the budgetary place manages in 20.000 roubles a year. These are 100.000 roubles for 5 years. In scales of the country of 110 billion roubles. And half (55 billion roubles!) it is spent for nothing.

    Practically unique decision

    Not state forms of support of businessmen are developed poorly. In Spain exists Institute de Empresa - institute for businessmen. There are private advisers (for example, the author) which assist an individual order. However, in country scales, there is only one decision - self-education.

    Exists fatal (and harmful) the error that our businessmen are ready to "be formed", yes here to study is no place. Say, there is no conventional theory of business. Here I should note two very much an important point:

    1. In this world there is no at all something "conventional" - on any question you will face ten points of view and infinite set of variations.
    2. The theory of business created by scientists authoritative, recognised and calling trust exists.

    I will name eight scientists who have brought the greatest contribution to development of the theory of business.

  • Richard Kantilon has entered the term "businessman" into the economic theory. And there was it in XVIII century. So, that business theories already almost three hundred years.
  • Jean-Batist Sej has specified in a place of the businessman in system of economic relations.
  • Maksimilian Vebber has connected material well-being and religious ethics. And, not "religious ethics in general", and absolutely concrete - Protestant.
  • Ludwig fon Mizes has concentrated on apologetics of business, it protected free business from attacks of socialists-communists.
  • Joseph Shumpetert concentrated on creative and new character of activity of the businessman.
  • David Makkleland developed a psychological portrait of the businessman.
  • Izrael Kirzner connected in a single whole business and a competition and proved, what exactly the businessman is the locomotive of positive changes.
  • Peter Druker has presented business as technology - set defined and is made accurate and concrete procedures.
  • Apr 10, 2009

    Exit from crisis

    World crisis - the main event today's (yesterday's and tomorrow's) day. To speak about when «crisis» senselessly will end, on an exit for us waits other economic system is perfect. Now it is necessary to solve two mega-actual problems: growth of unemployment and decrease in a standard of well-being. It can be made, having understood the deep reason of crisis. To meet crisis it is possible developing free business: it will create workplaces and will lift well-being.

    World crisis - the main event of year

    The decent economic theory is always actual. It means, that it is strongly entered in a context of the surrounding validity and is capable to give answers to topical questions.

    Still two years ago scientists could argue on what trend main - globalisation or growth of influence of consumers. And, maybe, it only displays of a new megatrend?

    Today at anybody such questions do not arise. The main event today's (yesterday's and tomorrow's) is day a world crisis.

    The magic wand will not be

    Politicians name from time to time concrete termination dates of crisis. For example, in the beginning of April the first vice-president of the government Igor Shuvalov has declared, that negative consequences of crisis will be overcome for three years. It has been told at a meeting with representatives of the large Russian business, the organised Moscow school of management "Skolkovo".

    However, let's look to the truth in eyes. What the phrase «means crisis consequences will be overcome» or (that too most) "crisis will come to the end also the economy will go on the amendment"? Really someone seriously believes, that on a wave of a magic wand Oleg Deripaska will receive back lost $28 billion, bank Lehman Brothers will head the list of leading investment banks, and the dismissed workers with pleasure will accept on former workplaces.

    Children, regain consciousness! World crisis has long, system and deep character. If to speak language of natural cataclysms we deal not with a rain and at all hailstones, we deal with earthquake. The whole layers move, the landscape varies, territories fall under water and rise from depths, natatorial appear on a land, and overland in water. It not a rain after which the sun again will begin to shine, this earthquake - world reorganisation. The old economic system will cease to exist - to come back will be no place. To speak about when «crisis» senselessly will end, on an exit for us waits other economic system is perfect.

    Growth of unemployment and well-being decrease

    World crisis - the phenomenon multiplane. At it it is possible to allocate different aspects: political - change of architecture of the power, scientific - inability to do forecasts, ethical - crisis (not) trust.

    In my opinion there are two mega-actual problems: growth of unemployment and well-being decrease.

  • Unemployment growth. According to Rosstat in the end of February, 2009, 6,4 million persons, or 8,5 % of economically active population, were classified as the unemployed. For comparison, in January, 2008 - 4,9 million Difference in 1,5 million persons.
  • Well-being decrease. While for "mere mortals" decrease in a standard of well-being not so is appreciable. According to Rosstat the monthly average wages in February, 2009 have made 17580 roubles and in comparison with February, 2008 have grown on 13,9 % that is comparable with official figures on inflation. But it was to the full felt by the richest people of a planet. By estimations Forbes the status of the richest people was reduced to $2 bln. - to $2,4 bln.
  • As crisis end it is not visible, hardly it is possible to say that the direction of tendencies will change. Most likely, it is possible to expect growth of number of the unemployed and decrease in a standard of life downwards on "a well-being ladder".

    To survive = to understand + to adapt

    We should not restore old economic system! For what reason? It has appeared impractical. Our problem to adapt in new conditions, and for this purpose it is necessary to understand, what deep reason has generated crisis. Let's try "wind off a film" - to restore logic of crisis in a return chronological order.

    1. What do we have today? A world economic crisis.
    2. What did we have yesterday? Crash of hypothecary crediting in the USA.
    3. Than hypothecary crisis has been provoked? Delivery of a large quantity of poor credits.
    4. Why poor credits stood out? Because in the western banks the large quantity of cheap money which needed to be "attached" somewhere has accumulated, money cannot lay without business.
    5. Whence in the western banks there was a huge weight of cheap money? All world reserves the means in US dollars.
    6. Why all world reserves the means in US dollars? Because the USA are the country with the biggest, stable and interconnected economy.
    7. Why economy of other countries not such big, stable and interconnected? Because distinctive feature of economy of the USA is the high share of a private sector. The state occupies 28 % of gross national product, the others of 72 % - a private sector. According to some information in the USA the quantity of people which can be carried to a category "businessman" totals 33 million persons - approximately 25 % of the working population of the country.

    So in what the crisis reason? In insufficient quantity of businessmen. It is a question, both about businessmen, and about enterprise type of thinking. Understand, the logician "to put money in another's bank that them not to lose in the business" is not the enterprise logic (namely so do the governments of all countries, except the USA). The enterprise logic consists in aspiration to "increase", instead of "easier to save". And all know, that the more the financial lever, the it turns out to increase is better. Therefore it is necessary not to give money «under modest, but stable percent», and to start up in business, involving another's means.

    Exit from crisis

    It turns out, that to leave crisis to us is necessary to develop business. Let's check up our conclusion and we will respond to two simple questions:

  • Whether business promotes creation of workplaces?
  • Whether business promotes increase of a standard of well-being?
  • Creation of workplaces

    I will give an example from history of the USA. In 1950th years experts predicted, that in twenty-twenty five years the economy of the USA will face a serious problem - it cannot provide with job of all born in a population explosion.

    In practice with 1970 for 1984, it has been created 40 million new workplaces which have provided with job bebi-bumerov, for the first time the come to work married women and the reduced employees of corporations. If you think, has what is it occurred thanks to advancing growth of economy, it not so. Since 1973, it was very restless time - energy crises, almost full breakdown of the enterprises of power-intensive branches and two notable recessions in addition.

    These workplaces have not been created in public sector: education, medicine, reduced the staff of the government of different level. The high technology sector too was not the locomotive, it has given no more than 4-6 million new workplaces. Workplaces have been created by the companies of small and average business, the majority from which were new - they did not exist 25 years ago. The majority of them concerned old branches - fast food networks, hairdressing salons, stomatology, a fancy bread batch, porcelain manufacture, financial services.

    Conclusion: enterprise activity promotes creation of workplaces.

    Increase of a standard of well-being

    Let's open list Forbes-2009, we will look at a source of well-being of ten the richest people of a planet. All ten - the active active businessmen working in different sectors of economy.

  • 8 persons - "have made" the status the work.
  • 2 persons - have received the inheritance and have increased it.
  • If we look at the first 50 participants of list Forbes-2009 we will receive a little bit other picture.

  • 28 persons - "have made" a status
  • 11 persons - «have received and have increased»
  • 11 persons - have received in the inheritance
  • However essentially here again the picture does not vary.

    Conclusion: enterprise activity promotes increase of a standard of well-being.

    Check of our hypothesis has passed successfully: business development is capable to solve a problem of decrease in a standard of living and to stop growth of unemployment and, finally, to meet crisis.

    Apr 9, 2009

    World System Crisis

    Key event of today is a world crisis. It has system character. Return to a former status will not be, therefore it is necessary to adapt for the occurred changes. Crisis will end when it will be overcome by everyone: will displace focus of the attention from a society on the "small" person.

    Key event today's (yesterday's and tomorrow's) is day a world crisis.

    What aspects of crisis?

  • Political - the structure of world architecture of the power (as on a global scale, and in local territories) varies.
  • Economic - unemployment grows, the standard of living decreases.
  • Educational - about it speak, but inability of economically competent people to give the forecast of development of a situation a little, speaks about education system lacks.
  • Ethical - crisis (not) trust destroys old allied blocks and forces to co-operate even the most irreconcilable.
  • It is senseless to speak about that, crisis how long will last. Because return to a former status will not be. There will be no such turning-point - "a magic wand wave" - and millions people have returned on former workplaces, refugees have joyfully met in the homeland, on Deripaska's settlement account has arrived $28 billion from grateful mankind, and Sergey Minaev has redeemed and has destroyed all circulation of the new book.

    These events have already occurred also to us to live in the new changed world. It is important to understand, that changes have essential, deep character. If to speak language of natural cataclysms we deal not with a rain and at all hailstones, we deal with earthquake. The whole layers move, the landscape varies, territories fall under water and rise from depths, natatorial appear on a land, and overland in water. It not a rain after which the sun again will begin to shine, this earthquake - world reorganisation.

    It is necessary to adapt for the occurred changes, they will not manage to be waited. That adaptation has passed successfully, let's try understand the crisis reasons, and for this purpose we will try to restore logic of crisis in a return chronological order. We will try "to wind off a film".

    How crisis in a retrospective show looks?

    1. World system crisis. That we have now.
    2. Crash of hypothecary crediting in the USA. It was last drop which has started an avalanche.
    3. Delivery of a large quantity of poor credits. This consequence. There would be no money - anybody would not give out them and did not take.
    4. Presence of weight of cheap money in the western banks. It is the reason. Money needs to be put somewhere, on them percent "drip", they need to be put. And, certainly, they need to be put in the economy, instead of in economy of those countries, which are not assured of the future.
    5. Reservation of funds of many countries of the world in US dollars. Thanks to such reservation in the western banks the large quantity of "pressing" currency has accumulated.
    6. Instability of the state systems. A fundamental question - what for to hold gold and exchange currency reserves in currency of another's country? Behind minimising risks not to lose money if the economy of the country falls.
    7. Weakness of social system. Weak social institutes - the state, a society, business, education, public health services - do not allow to make the environment stable and predicted.
    8. The incapacitated population. Passive, illiterate, apolitical, irresponsible, not free people are not capable to create healthy social system.

    In my opinion, the deep reason of crisis that we too big attention gave to society, to a society, collective and is not enough person, the person, the individual. We have got used to think within the limits of the army logic of Ancient Rome "one barbarian will beat the legionary, manipula on the equal will battle to a horde, the legion will win any quantity of barbarians". To these we gave a priority to the organised collective before the unorganized single. But how much correctly such comparison? For what reason we compare the organised collective and the unorganized person? Perhaps, it is more correct to compare the organised collective and the organised person? Then comparison is deprived sense because the organised collective consists of the people, capable itself to organise.

    We should displace focus of the attention to the person. I consider, that the normal person cannot construct bad social system. Let's try outline the list of lines of such "normal" person:

  • Independence,
  • Justice,
  • Realness,
  • Purposefulness,
  • Optimism,
  • Education,
  • Diligence,
  • Thrift.
  • In my opinion, the good list. On the one hand it comprehensive enough, with another short enough to be tool, to have applied character.

    The social system collapses, when it is filled with the people-antipodes, bad qualities containing set. Summing up conversation on World System Crisis, I wish to tell, that is useless to wait for the moment when crisis will come to the end. It will end when it will be overcome by everyone.

    Apr 8, 2009

    Enterprise idea

    Enterprise idea

    Let's present a situation, that for any reasons it wanted to you to increase the standard of well-being. Has no value, that you motivates - thirst for glories, dream of the new car or be guided by the higher principles. Important that you need to change level of the well-being. And I hope what to change you the position want to the best, instead of the worst.

    For this purpose, first of all the enterprise idea is required to you.

  • It can have global character - creation of new business.
  • Or it will be idea of an average level - the new goods or service.
  • And it can there will be extremely simple idea - new profit under the same conditions.
  • Here it is important to acquire one simple enough thought: want new incomes - new approaches to job are necessary to you.

    Buy cheap - sell the expensive

    Purposeful search of enterprise ideas is an obligatory element of daily enterprise practice.

    The enterprise idea is a way of increase in well-being.

    The methodology of growth of well-being is simple: it is necessary to take something less valuable and to make it more valuable. Than more difference between cost of initial materials and by the sale, especially favourable becomes enterprise activity. In an ideal, it is necessary to take something of nothing standing, and to create something super-useful. For example, the penicillinic mould long time was a parasite with whom persistently struggled. While London doctor Alexander Fleming has not found out, that this "parasite" is the murderer of bacteria.

    Enterprise idea - any way which allows to raise cost of available resources, both in aggregate, and separately.

    It is important to understand, that the enterprise idea is first of all economic concept, it is fastened on concept "cost".

    In search of great idea

    Successful businessmen do not wait, when they will be inspired them on an intellectual feat by a perfect muse. They purposefully search for enterprise ideas - daily, routine and constantly observe of an environment and "sift" available possibilities.

    Professional enterprise activity assumes tracing of four sources of enterprise ideas.


    - the unexpected loss or the income.
    Technological - problem presence in process.
    Psychological - discrepancy meanwhile “as is” and that “as should be”.
    Demographic - change in population structure.

    Between the listed sources there are essential distinctions. For example, they are listed in ascending order to complexity of use. Eventical - the idle time, it it is the most easier to supervise and put a source into practice. Demographic - the most difficult, but potentially the most profitable.

    Apr 7, 2009

    Business bases - III

    Business - high well-being

    You sometime reflected on what business is useful for the user?

    There are two right answers:

  • Business - a source of high personal well-being.
  • Business - a source of new workplaces.
  • Source of personal well-being

    As is known, there are four basic sources of lawful well-being:

    To earn work,
    To receive the inheritance,
    To win in a lottery,
    To live on a handout.

    Let's open list Forbes-2009, we will look at a source of well-being of ten the richest people of a planet. All ten - the active active businessmen working in different sectors of economy.

  • 80 % - "have made" the status the work.
  • 20 % - have received the inheritance and have increased it.
  • And here, if we look at the first 50 participants of list Forbes-2009 we will receive already a little bit other picture.

  • 56 % - "have made" a status
  • 22 % - "have received and have increased"
  • 22 % - have received in the inheritance
  • Surprisingly, but among first fifty richest people of a planet there are no winners of lotteries and living on a handout.

    Source of workplaces

    In 1950th years the expert predicted, that in twenty-twenty five years the economy of the USA will face a serious problem - it cannot provide with job of all born in a population explosion.

    In practice with 1970 for 1984, it has been created 40 million new workplaces which have provided with job bebi-bumers, for the first time the come to work married women and the reduced employees of corporations.

    If you think, has what is it occurred thanks to advancing growth of economy, it not so. Since 1973, it was very restless time - energy crises, almost full breakdown of the enterprises of the power-intensive branches, two notable recessions.

    These workplaces have not been created in public sector: education, medicine, the governments of different level reduced staff. The high technology sector too was not the locomotive, it has given no more than 4-6 million new workplaces.

    Workplaces have been created by the companies of small and average business, the majority from which were new - they did not exist 25 years ago. The majority of them concerned old branches - a fast food network, a network hairdresser's, a network ñòîìàòîëîãèé, a batch and fancy bread sale, manufacture of qualitative porcelain, financial services.

    The only thing that united these companies, was the enterprise approach to management.

    Remember, business is valuable that it creates workplaces and increases personal well-being. Ten richest people of a planet are businessmen. Forty millions new workplaces it has been created in the USA with 1970 for 1984 thanks to enterprise economy.

    Apr 6, 2009

    Business bases - II

    The riches - are real

    The scientific theory of business

    In a modern society a monopoly on job with concepts - terms, words and their use - scientists possess. Actually, for this purpose we also contain them, that they authentically described a reality, and then explained to us as this or that phenomenon is called, it bears what value and that with to do with it.

    The scientific theory of business has arisen in XVIII century. Then the Irish economist - and in combination and the successful banker - Richard Kantilon has written the treatise «the Sketch about the nature to trade in general». In him it has used the term "businessman" and by that has entered it into the economic theory.

    In the field of the business theory a number of outstanding scientists was engaged in researches.

  • Jean-Batist Sej has specified in a place of the businessman in system of economic relations.
  • Maksimilian Vebber has specified in communication of material welfare and religious ethics.
  • Ludwig fon Mizess has concentrated on apologetics of business.
  • Joseph Shumpetert on creative and new character of activity of the businessman.
  • David Makkleland developed a psychological portrait of the businessman.
  • Izrael Kirzner connected in a single whole business and a competition.
  • Peter Druker has presented business as technology.
  • On the basis of jobs of these eight outstanding scientists the scientific theory of business also was formed.

    Remember, the scientific theory of business has arisen in XVIII century. The "Sketch about the trade nature in general" of Richard Kantilon, published in 1755 was the first job where the term "businessman" was mentioned. Since then a number of outstanding researchers-economists have brought the essential contribution to development of the theory of business.

    Kind of human activity

    You know what kinds of human activity?

    Sports, medicine, engineering, painting, … - in general is a lot of. One only trades is more than twenty thousand, and there is still a hobby, household chores, and idle idleness cancelled nobody.

    Business is one of activity kinds. As it is an especial kind of activity (see, even the word special exists) it is characterised by own logic, the internal maintenance and original forms.

    For activity any kind three aspects are characteristic:

  • Practice - process of direct development and transformation of objects.
  • Science - set of laws of a universe which have essential value.
  • Art - skill degree, level of possession of a subject.
  • Business is not an exception, for it too characters all listed aspects.

  • Practice are various procedures, decisions, an estimation of risks, search of investments, development of strategy.
  • Science - various economic, social and innovative laws.
  • Art - professional growth, abilities to increase riches, ability to start more scale projects.
  • Remember, business is a kind of human activity. Its key aspects - practice, a science, art. Seized three aspects of business becomes the perfect businessman.

    Business is a creation of riches

    As you already know, the maintenance of enterprise activity is riches creation.

    The riches are a set of useful and valuable subjects.

    Advantage - ability to satisfy human requirements.
    Value - desire surrounding to receive it for personal use.
    Subject - any object existing in a reality.

    The false understanding of the term of "riches" does people poor. Everyone heard a phrase "Russia - the rich country with the poor population", thus, as a rule, as "riches" understand the resources which are in bowels of our Native land. Here there is an important nuance, resources in bowels - possess only potential utility, they only can hypothetically satisfy requirements, and upon, sense from them very small.

    The riches of the country are not deposits of its resources, and volume of well-being of its citizens. The one who possesses o-o th what potential is rich not, and the one who possesses a considerable quantity of valuable and useful subjects.

    Remember, valuable and useful subjects are called as riches. The one who has potential to creation of such subjects is rich not, and the one who already possesses them. The false understanding of riches inevitably conducts to poverty.

    Apr 4, 2009

    Business bases - I

    Word - the keeper of knowledge

    Each word matters

    World financial crisis compels economists to make terrible statements: «we do not know, when crisis» will end, «any serious scientist is not ready to make the forecast». Allow, and as the motto of the London school of economy - Rerum cognoscere causas - to understand the reason of things. Really we are so disoriented, what have ceased to understand that occurs?

    It is not surprising, after all we live during an epoch of information wars! A distortion of a meaning, substitution of values, an emphasis on insignificant details - we it see pretty often. Swindlers of all colours name black white, dead live, invented by the real. Results are awful. The user misled, receives illnesses instead of health, poverty instead of riches, problems instead of decisions, imitation instead of creativity.

    Perhaps, it is time to recollect what words make sense? After all, words help us to be guided with vital space. "Loading" words any sense, we cease to understand something about the world, we will be disoriented, and our actions become chaotic, senseless and useless.

    Not all definitions are equally useful

    I would like to turn special attention on value of the term "business". Definitions set. But, even if not all yoghurts are equally useful, why we should consider, as if all definitions of business possess identical value.

    I will tell history. Once, Charles Marx has defined (has made definition), that the income of the capitalist is a consequence of working class operation. What business would Seem, to us before, the theorist-economist "has loaded" with what sense so abstract concept, as «the income of the capitalist». It is not present, not so all is simple. The mankind "pays off" for this definition to this day as it is an ideological basis for ball all colours which sleep and see, how it will be possible «to take away and divide!».

    Let's return to business. I will result popular definitions:

    1. Activity at own risk, directed on extraction of profit,
    2. The mechanism of social responsibility,
    3. System of spiritual perfection,
    4. Innovative activity.

    These definitions not so are harmless, as seem at first sight.

    The first - pushes the businessman on illegal activity as connects in a single whole risk and profit. And you know, what branches most risky / profitable - drugs, contraband, currency frauds.

    The second - substitutes activity of the businessman by job of the politician. Businessmen defend private interests (not the, and private), and politicians public (not job lots, and public). If businessmen undertake the decision of public questions, that, excuse, than politicians will be engaged?

    The third - substitutes activity of the businessman by religious practice. Business can be the tool of religious practice (as it has occurred in Protestantism), but not the practice.

    The fourth - substitutes enterprise activity by job of the scientist-inventor. Excuse, but to think out new and to combine available are a little various kinds of activity.

    As you can see, incorrect, inexact, false definition can result the user for a lattice, in a policy, in sect, in a science.

    New definition of business

    I to offer other definition of enterprise activity which would satisfy to three criteria:

    1. First, independence - not reducibility to other kinds of activity.
    2. Secondly, ecological compatibility - absence of harm for the user.
    3. Thirdly, a practicality - the maximum simplicity of use.

    The short formulation of definition sounds so: business is a creation of riches.

    The full formulation such: business - the term meaning a kind of human activity in which result there are riches.

    If to divide the full formulation into semantic blocks the following will turn out:

    Business is

    1. The special term,
    2. Meaning kind of human activity,
    3. In which result there are riches.

    Apr 3, 2009

    Business is a creation of riches

    You know, what is the maintenance of enterprise activity?

    Creation of riches

    Learn, write down, make a headdress. Business is not school of spiritual growth, not institute of noble maidens. Without dependence from external forms of display businessmen always and everywhere are engaged only in one - they create riches. It is the main leitmotif of their activity.

    In a broad sense the riches are a set of subjects (in a broad sense) which are capable to satisfy human requirements. The false understanding of the term "riches" has generated ordinary error «rich Russia and the poor people», thus as "riches" understand the resources which are in bowels of our Native land. It is a nonsense, with the same success it is possible to name "rich" the person possessing a liver and kidneys, say, they o-o th stand in the black market.

    The rich name the one who possesses a considerable quantity of useful subjects, instead of the one who possesses potential. Pay attention that riches it is possible to name only a useful subject, what can be used, what can benefit.

    It yet everything, the riches are not only useful subjects, but also what possess value. If other people are ready to give other useful subjects it is value (and it has a price - quantity of other subjects), and if other people are not ready to exchange the subjects for yours it would not possess what advantage for this subject - riches it is not.

    It is important to understand, that businessmen create not things, namely riches. Here, that I have in view of: all world consists of materials which we should reduce not to increase. Everything, that we do are we alter materials in new more useful and valuable forms. That is, we take something less useful and less valuable and we do it more useful and more valuable. To inform subjects utility and value that is - to make riches.

    Remember, the maintenance of enterprise activity consists in riches creation. Riches are the subjects possessing utility and value. Utility - ability to satisfy human requirements. Value - they are desired other people. Riches creation - is giving to subjects of the raised value and utility.

    Apr 2, 2009

    Business - a source of workplaces and personal well-being

    You sometime reflected on what business is useful for the user?

    There are two right answers:

  • Business - a source of workplaces.
  • Business - a source of personal well-being.
  • Source of workplaces

    In the USA, since 1970 for 1984, it has been created 40 million new workplaces. They have been created by the companies of small and average business, the majority from which were new - they did not exist 25 years ago. It has occurred against "energy crises", almost full breakdown of the enterprises of the power-intensive branches, two notable recessions and continuous reduction of workplaces in large corporations.

    Source of personal well-being

    Let's open list Forbes-2009, we will look at a source of well-being of ten the richest people of a planet. Eight of ten "have independently made" the status. Two from ten have inherited and have increased well-being. All ten - the active active businessmen working in different sectors of economy.

    Remember, business is valuable that it creates workplaces and increases personal well-being. Forty millions new workplaces it has been created thanks to enterprise economy. Ten richest people of a planet are businessmen.

    Business is a kind of activity

    You know what kinds of human activity?

    Sports, medicine, engineering, painting, … - in general is a lot of. One only trades is more than twenty thousand, and there is still a hobby, household chores, and idle idleness cancelled nobody.

    Business is one of activity kinds. As it is an especial kind of activity (see, even the word special exists) it is characterised by own logic, the internal maintenance and original forms.

    For activity any kind three aspects are characteristic:

  • Practice - process of direct development and transformation of objects.
  • Science - set of laws of a universe which have essential value.
  • Art - skill degree, level of possession of a subject.
  • Business is not an exception, for it all listed aspects too are characteristic.

  • Practice are various procedures, enterprise decisions, an estimation of risks, search of investments, development of strategy.
  • Science - various economic, social and innovative laws.
  • Art - your professional growth, ability to increase riches, ability to start more and more scale projects.
  • Remember, business is a kind of human activity. Its key aspects - practice, a science, art. Seized three aspects of business, becomes the perfect businessman.

    Business is a special term

    Speaking about business often it is accepted to make about such definition “Business is the commercial activity directed on …” well and so on.

    Making such definition, we lose sight of one important detail. First of all, business is a term - a special word to which the certain sense is fixed.

    Losing sight of that business is first of all the special term, we get to “a uselessness trap”. We say a word - but behind it it is possible, it means nothing. The word becomes useless. And now it is possible to speak, though "business" though “supersuper” - semantic loading aspires to zero, and a word does not bring any advantage.

    For term filling by certain value the scientific theory responds. Actually, the science possesses monopoly for definition (and redefinition) senses. Thus it is not necessary to think, that it is a question of idle chatter which concerns "mere mortals" a little. Discrepancy of definition (and the worse false) leads to rather sad consequences.

    Perhaps it is necessary to give an example. Charles Marx has defined, that the income of the capitalist is a consequence of working class operation - the capitalist selects an income part on justice belonging to the worker. The mankind pays off for this incorrect definition to this day as it is an ideological basis for "revolutionaries" of all colours. Actually, the income of the capitalist is a consequence of its ability to put resources in satisfaction of requirements. False definition conducts to incessant conflicts, and correct - to peace cooperation. However, we will return to an essential.

    In a situation when scientific (exact and correct) value of the term is not known to wide ranges of users, arises a wide field of activity for swindlers of all colours. They use the popular, untwisted word, but load with its any sense. Results are pitiable. The user misled receives illnesses instead of health, poverty instead of riches, problems instead of decisions, imitation instead of creativity. We observe such situation pretty often.

    To avoid senseless and useless knowledge it is necessary to remember, that 1) each word has certain value, 2) monopoly for definition of values scientists possess, 3) the term "business" has been entered into the scientific theory by the Irish economist Richard Kantilon, in job “the Sketch about the trade nature in general”, published in 1755.

    Apr 1, 2009

    System of enterprise knowledge

    1. World crisis.
    • Signs of world crisis - decrease in a standard of living and growth of a rate of unemployment.
    • The reason of world crisis - an acute shortage of businessmen.
    • An exit from world crisis - enterprise economy.
    2. Enterprise activity.
    • The basic theories of business: 300 years of economic thought.
    • What is the business: activity for the sake of riches.
    • Positioning of the businessman: than the businessman differs from the manager and the worker.

    3. Anti-recessionary strategy.

    • hat influences well-being growth.
    • Where to search for enterprise ideas.
    • That it is possible to make right now.

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