Unsatisfied desires - a source of enterprise activity. To raise a standard of well-being it is necessary through labour productivity increase. Search of enterprise ideas - ways of increase of well-being - is a part of daily routine job of the businessman. On open spaces of educational space you can meet tens, and even hundreds ways of generation of enterprise ideas. To search for enterprise ideas it is possible purposefully, if the nobility where to look.
Unsatisfied desires
Business begins with aspiration to improve the well-being. Comprehension of a dissatisfaction of the requirements pushes the businessman forward. I want the new car, and I can not buy; I wish to be in Europe, and money is not present; I wish to help mother to perform operation, but it expensive; a temple I wish to construct, but means are not present. Unsatisfied desires - a source of enterprise activity.
Three factors of growth of well-being
The economic theory allocates three factors of growth of well-being.
- Escalating of capital expenses
- Escalating of a manpower
- Labour productivity Escalating
At the disposal of the businessman there are all three methods. It is possible to buy more modern equipment. It is possible to increase number of workers. And it is possible to raise labour productivity.
Let's try estimate, what direction is most perspective for increase of a standard of well-being of the Russian businessmen.
The passing suffices to estimate prospects. Acquisition of the modern equipment? Hardly, crisis has closed access to cheap credits. Growth of number of workers? It is irrelevant, all reduce the personnel. Labour productivity? And here from this place is more detailed.
In Russia very low labour productivity
According to research McKinsey, the Russian bank employee makes 9.000 operations in a year, its colleague in Poland - 21.000, in the USA - 60.000, in Finland - 81.000 operations (in 9 times more!).
In electric power industry the Russian workers work in 4 times less effectively, than their American colleagues, one Russian worker makes 3,8 GWt the electric power at an o'clock, and American - 15,3 GWt.
About the same situation we can observe in building. One employee working on the full rate in the building company, erects 18 sq. m of habitation a year, and American - 84 sq. (And more it is not known, whether considered in research seson workers which work often informally if is not present indicators will be even worse).
To raise a standard of well-being it is necessary through labour productivity increase.
Enterprise idea
There is a following question: and by means of what labour productivity raises? Thanks to new technologies. In this case it is a question not of information systems, and about new ideas in general. Labour productivity raises thanks to ideas.
However, not each idea is necessary to the businessman. "Let's start a dirigible balloon! - also what? - And all!" Ideas which are capable to raise a standard of well-being are necessary. Only such ideas it is possible to name "enterprise". The enterprise idea is a way which allows to raise a standard of well-being.
Enterprise idea
- can have global character - creation of new business
- or it will be idea of an average level - the new goods or service.
- and can, it will be extremely simple idea - new profit under the same conditions.
Search of enterprise ideas - ways of increase of well-being - is a part of daily routine job of the businessman. Successful businessmen do not wait, when they will be inspired them on an intellectual feat by a perfect muse. They purposefully search for enterprise ideas - daily, continuously and constantly "sift" possibilities.
Technology of search of enterprise ideas
On open spaces of educational space you can meet tens, and even hundreds ways of generation of enterprise ideas.
That to you there only will not suggest to do: to think out fantastic animals, to imagine "what business Bill Gates being in your situation" would create, mechanically to list all human requirements and to choose at random - techniques much. And the majority of them interesting.
I wish to offer you rather boring technique. It does not excite imagination, does not foster your arrogance ("Figasse! Gates! On mine! A place!"), does not demand huge intuition. But it benefits the user (excuse for a tautology).
First of all at the businessman should be installation on growth well-being or "installation on profit". If you do not have such installation further will help nothing.
Secondly, to find good enterprise idea the information is required. It is not necessary to wait, that you receive the ready recipe "how to you right now to increase the well-being". Having received the interesting information, it is necessary to comprehend, transform it to the suitable recipe and to think up "business model". Allocate for this purpose time.
Thirdly, it is important to understand, that enterprise ideas possess various potential. Axes of distinction two: "possibilities / risk" and "use / complexities". It is necessary to estimate each available idea about a parity of possibilities and risks, and also simplicity and complexities of realisation. Certainly, the priority should be given simple, favourable and without risk ideas.
Fourthly, after the idea is found - it needs to be started in realisation. It is senseless to develop completely good idea and to store it in a table "for rainy day".
Sources of enterprise ideas
To search for enterprise ideas it is possible purposefully, if the nobility where to look. There are some key sources of the information.
"Balance". Each normal businessman conducts balance of the well-being. It means, that with certain periodicity (is not more rare, than once a year) counts up, as its status has changed. Accordingly, after two calculations dynamics (or a statics) status changes will be already visible. And now it will be very useful to find the answer to a question: "for what reasons the status has increased / has decreased?". Your answer is a germ of idea. Pay attention, that it is not necessary to consider "income/loss" - it can mislead you. You can increase momentary profit "having gobbled up" the basic actives - do not give in to a temptation.
"Technology". If to present activity any kind, as technological process the probability of detection of "failure" is high. "Failure" is such step to process which calls obvious pressure the user. We take, for example, the top-manager - its job is more or less clear and structured. However, there is a complexity - to 70 % of the information top-managers receive in not structured kind, and its quantity grows, in 2007 according to Financial Times all world has created 281 Ekza byte information. The decision of this problem has generated the whole branch of economy - administrative consulting.
"Psychology". Very often in consciousness of the person there is a discord meanwhile "as is" and how "should be". The seller "should be" polite, and upon is rude. Be expensive "should" equal, and in practice the best car is a helicopter. The more quantity of people which test such discord, the better possibility for business.
"Demography". Social, sexual, age, professional structure of the population - a source of enterprise ideas. For example, you make "heavy" alcohol - vodka. It is one of the most competitive markets, nevertheless, there is no vodka "for doctors" or "office plankton". Is not present vodka "Scalpel", or "Office Life"
The basic sources of ideas
I am assured, that after such digression you will have a correct impression about enterprise activity.
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