Apr 7, 2009

Business bases - III

Business - high well-being

You sometime reflected on what business is useful for the user?

There are two right answers:

  • Business - a source of high personal well-being.
  • Business - a source of new workplaces.
  • Source of personal well-being

    As is known, there are four basic sources of lawful well-being:

    To earn work,
    To receive the inheritance,
    To win in a lottery,
    To live on a handout.

    Let's open list Forbes-2009, we will look at a source of well-being of ten the richest people of a planet. All ten - the active active businessmen working in different sectors of economy.

  • 80 % - "have made" the status the work.
  • 20 % - have received the inheritance and have increased it.
  • And here, if we look at the first 50 participants of list Forbes-2009 we will receive already a little bit other picture.

  • 56 % - "have made" a status
  • 22 % - "have received and have increased"
  • 22 % - have received in the inheritance
  • Surprisingly, but among first fifty richest people of a planet there are no winners of lotteries and living on a handout.

    Source of workplaces

    In 1950th years the expert predicted, that in twenty-twenty five years the economy of the USA will face a serious problem - it cannot provide with job of all born in a population explosion.

    In practice with 1970 for 1984, it has been created 40 million new workplaces which have provided with job bebi-bumers, for the first time the come to work married women and the reduced employees of corporations.

    If you think, has what is it occurred thanks to advancing growth of economy, it not so. Since 1973, it was very restless time - energy crises, almost full breakdown of the enterprises of the power-intensive branches, two notable recessions.

    These workplaces have not been created in public sector: education, medicine, the governments of different level reduced staff. The high technology sector too was not the locomotive, it has given no more than 4-6 million new workplaces.

    Workplaces have been created by the companies of small and average business, the majority from which were new - they did not exist 25 years ago. The majority of them concerned old branches - a fast food network, a network hairdresser's, a network ñòîìàòîëîãèé, a batch and fancy bread sale, manufacture of qualitative porcelain, financial services.

    The only thing that united these companies, was the enterprise approach to management.

    Remember, business is valuable that it creates workplaces and increases personal well-being. Ten richest people of a planet are businessmen. Forty millions new workplaces it has been created in the USA with 1970 for 1984 thanks to enterprise economy.

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