Apr 9, 2009

World System Crisis

Key event of today is a world crisis. It has system character. Return to a former status will not be, therefore it is necessary to adapt for the occurred changes. Crisis will end when it will be overcome by everyone: will displace focus of the attention from a society on the "small" person.

Key event today's (yesterday's and tomorrow's) is day a world crisis.

What aspects of crisis?

  • Political - the structure of world architecture of the power (as on a global scale, and in local territories) varies.
  • Economic - unemployment grows, the standard of living decreases.
  • Educational - about it speak, but inability of economically competent people to give the forecast of development of a situation a little, speaks about education system lacks.
  • Ethical - crisis (not) trust destroys old allied blocks and forces to co-operate even the most irreconcilable.
  • It is senseless to speak about that, crisis how long will last. Because return to a former status will not be. There will be no such turning-point - "a magic wand wave" - and millions people have returned on former workplaces, refugees have joyfully met in the homeland, on Deripaska's settlement account has arrived $28 billion from grateful mankind, and Sergey Minaev has redeemed and has destroyed all circulation of the new book.

    These events have already occurred also to us to live in the new changed world. It is important to understand, that changes have essential, deep character. If to speak language of natural cataclysms we deal not with a rain and at all hailstones, we deal with earthquake. The whole layers move, the landscape varies, territories fall under water and rise from depths, natatorial appear on a land, and overland in water. It not a rain after which the sun again will begin to shine, this earthquake - world reorganisation.

    It is necessary to adapt for the occurred changes, they will not manage to be waited. That adaptation has passed successfully, let's try understand the crisis reasons, and for this purpose we will try to restore logic of crisis in a return chronological order. We will try "to wind off a film".

    How crisis in a retrospective show looks?

    1. World system crisis. That we have now.
    2. Crash of hypothecary crediting in the USA. It was last drop which has started an avalanche.
    3. Delivery of a large quantity of poor credits. This consequence. There would be no money - anybody would not give out them and did not take.
    4. Presence of weight of cheap money in the western banks. It is the reason. Money needs to be put somewhere, on them percent "drip", they need to be put. And, certainly, they need to be put in the economy, instead of in economy of those countries, which are not assured of the future.
    5. Reservation of funds of many countries of the world in US dollars. Thanks to such reservation in the western banks the large quantity of "pressing" currency has accumulated.
    6. Instability of the state systems. A fundamental question - what for to hold gold and exchange currency reserves in currency of another's country? Behind minimising risks not to lose money if the economy of the country falls.
    7. Weakness of social system. Weak social institutes - the state, a society, business, education, public health services - do not allow to make the environment stable and predicted.
    8. The incapacitated population. Passive, illiterate, apolitical, irresponsible, not free people are not capable to create healthy social system.

    In my opinion, the deep reason of crisis that we too big attention gave to society, to a society, collective and is not enough person, the person, the individual. We have got used to think within the limits of the army logic of Ancient Rome "one barbarian will beat the legionary, manipula on the equal will battle to a horde, the legion will win any quantity of barbarians". To these we gave a priority to the organised collective before the unorganized single. But how much correctly such comparison? For what reason we compare the organised collective and the unorganized person? Perhaps, it is more correct to compare the organised collective and the organised person? Then comparison is deprived sense because the organised collective consists of the people, capable itself to organise.

    We should displace focus of the attention to the person. I consider, that the normal person cannot construct bad social system. Let's try outline the list of lines of such "normal" person:

  • Independence,
  • Justice,
  • Realness,
  • Purposefulness,
  • Optimism,
  • Education,
  • Diligence,
  • Thrift.
  • In my opinion, the good list. On the one hand it comprehensive enough, with another short enough to be tool, to have applied character.

    The social system collapses, when it is filled with the people-antipodes, bad qualities containing set. Summing up conversation on World System Crisis, I wish to tell, that is useless to wait for the moment when crisis will come to the end. It will end when it will be overcome by everyone.

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