At 20 % of new businessmen it turns out not to be ruined in first ten years. The main problem is absence of the vocational education. Such education could raise a standard of well-being essentially. It is senseless to hope for the Russian education system, she desperately requires businessmen. It is practically unique an accessible variant of improvement of professional skill - self-education. Fortunately already almost three hundred years there is the theory of business developed by outstanding scientists-economists.
The sad statistics
According to the researches spent in the USA, only half of new businessmen it is possible not to be ruined in the first 18 months of job. And only 20 % survive in first ten years.
Weak vocational training
Speaking about business development, important correctly to plan «a growth point» - a direction where the made efforts will give the greatest return.
Let's find out, what complexities are tested by businessmen? We will address to foreign and Russian researches.
If to look narrowly attentively at results of research it will appear, that businessmen have two fundamental problems: «weak personal preparation» and "animosities of an environment".
Here again there is a complicated question: what to improve first of all? To raise level of personal preparation of businessmen or to improve and modernise an environment.
The answer is obvious, - it is necessary to concentrate on vocational training of businessmen because unprepared people all the same cannot create the best environment.
The system of vocational training of businessmen is necessary to us.
Education and the income
Communication between level education and the income is known for a long time. It was marked still by researchers, so-called "the Chicago school" - Teodor Schultz, Gary Bakker and others.
As an example it is possible to address to data of 1990 across the USA. Figures which characterise the average lifelong income for people with a different educational level are more low presented:
There is a communication and between level of the income and an education profile.
And now let's simply present, profile enterprise education if it existed could become what powerful lever. The businessman possessing special vocational training how much could earn. It is necessary to guess only as while the profile system of preparation of businessmen does not exist.
Vocational training in Russia
I very much would like to tell, that our education system will easily satisfy requirement of businessmen for qualitative profile education. But it not so, our education system (generally) is characterised by the lowest efficiency.
The economy higher school and Rosstat have carried out research of conformity of a trade of the graduate of high school and the received speciality. Analysts have compared diplomas of 28 500 working Russians from all regions of the country with their present trades.
It was found out, that on the specialities specified in the diploma and close trades (for example when the engineer works as the technologist, and the teacher of foreign languages - as the translator) 49,6 % work. If to approach to conformity of the got education and present job more strictly it will turn out, that on a speciality 37 % of graduates of high schools work.
For comparison in Sweden not by the trade received at institute 18 % of the diplomaed experts, to France and the USA - about a quarter work.
Businessmen are necessary to the education system. Ponder, in 2008 domestic state and municipal high schools have let out over 1,1 million students. On the average the budgetary place manages in 20.000 roubles a year. These are 100.000 roubles for 5 years. In scales of the country of 110 billion roubles. And half (55 billion roubles!) it is spent for nothing.
Practically unique decision
Not state forms of support of businessmen are developed poorly. In Spain exists Institute de Empresa - institute for businessmen. There are private advisers (for example, the author) which assist an individual order. However, in country scales, there is only one decision - self-education.
Exists fatal (and harmful) the error that our businessmen are ready to "be formed", yes here to study is no place. Say, there is no conventional theory of business. Here I should note two very much an important point:
- In this world there is no at all something "conventional" - on any question you will face ten points of view and infinite set of variations.
- The theory of business created by scientists authoritative, recognised and calling trust exists.
I will name eight scientists who have brought the greatest contribution to development of the theory of business.
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